Our Dedicated Staff
At present, the teacher to student ration is 1:5.5.
This school year sees the hard work and perseverence of 12 teachers, besides those other vital positions such as secretary, infirmarian, janitor, maintenance man, etc. With our 66 students, this translates into an excellent teacher to student ratio of 1 to 5.5. One-on-one tutoring is available to all students, and is encouraged not only for the students who are struggling academically, but also to the more gifted students.
Each class has a “homeroom teacher” who takes special care of his/her own class, and can take the role of a general advisor and counselor to each student, especially as regards his future career. The teachers, however, are not inseparable from their classrooms, but rather visit different classes to teach the subjects that they are especially good at teaching, providing the student with the best possible education.