12 Angry Men - 2024 OLMC Drama Production

Stage Version by Sherman L Sergel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy presents its 2023-2024 Drama Production.
Dear Families and Friends of OLMC,
The OLMC Drama Club is delighted to invite you to their 2024 production of 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose - Stage Version by Sherman L Sergel.
There will be two performances this year, held in the OLMC gymnasium - Saturday, April 27th at 7:00 PM and Sunday, April 28th at 2:00 PM. It is best to reserve your tickets in advance as seating is limited!
We look forward to welcoming you to our performances. If you have any questions, please direct them to Miss Elizabeth Seguin at [email protected]
The OLMC Drama Club of 2023-2024
The scene: Following the closing arguments in a murder trial, the 12 members of the jury must deliberate, with a guilty verdict meaning death for the accused, an inner-city teen. As the dozen men try to reach a unanimous decision while sequestered in a room, one juror casts considerable doubt on elements of the case. Personal issues soon rise to the surface, and conflict threatens to derail the delicate process that will decide one boy's fate.