Your Gift Goes a Long Way!
Saint Joseph Centre, Québec
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var arrPicLnk, intcnt, intchid;
function Donation(myradio) {
var intNum = parseInt(myradio.value), strFrm, arrType = [], strDesc, strPref;
arrPicLnk = [];
arrType[0] = "zfy";
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intchid = 48117;
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switch (intNum) {
case 1:
strFrm = "0a3ce9a1-48ee-41c8-9fac-50e1afa6d635";
strDesc = "This fund helps offset the operating expenses associated with providing for the Priory of St. Cesaire at St. Joseph Centre.
St. Cesaire is the home of the District Superior who lives in community with four other priests. St. Cesaire is also the home of four Oblate Sisters who assist the priests and live in community as well.
St. Cesaire is a Mass Centre where the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered by the Priests and where the faithful benefit from the regular reception of sacraments.
By donating to this fund you are helping the Priory to pay its operating expenses in caring and providing for the Priests and Oblates and others who are dependent on the Community. You are also helping to pay the bills for the utilities and routine maintenance of this beautiful and historic building.
You are also supporting the costs associated with the Apostolate of the Priests who bring the sacraments currently to Churches in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Brinston as well as to the Maritime provinces."
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory2.png";
case 2:
strFrm = "c3861e5a-fe76-4c4d-b576-f400ecda071a";
strDesc = "Donations to this fund help offset the costs of larger-scale maintenance and renovations to St. Joseph Centre, the District House of the Society of St. Pius X where the District Superior resides in community with four priests and where there is also a community of four Oblate Sisters.
St. Joseph Centre in St. Cesaire is a beautiful and historic building with a magnificent Main Chapel and Altar and thanks to the generosity of donors, has been largely restored and renovated to provide for the needs of the District House of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada.
A building of this size requires continuous renovation and maintenance. St. Joseph Centre urgently needs your support in properly renovating and maintaining it.
We must stay on top of renovations and maintenance to ensure that we are good stewards properly caring for the District House in the most cost-effective ways.
Currently, we are building a future school building as one of our major renovation projects that should open in the Fall of 2023. We also would like to add a passerelle between the buildings. The exterior windows were recently scraped and painted but many of them will need replaced in two to three years. The roof on the garage will need replaced within a couple of years and there are some masonry issues that need to be fixed. We'd like to re-asphalt the parking lot and re-add an elevator eventually as well.
Donations to this fund help us to do this major maintenance and renovation to St. Joseph Centre, which is the District House and Administrative Centre, Priory for the Priests, Cloister for the Oblate Sisters, Mass Centre, Retreat House and future school.";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory2.png";
case 3:
strFrm = "8189a18e-98ff-404e-9ff5-6dcc7935415b";
strDesc = "This fund helps support the District of Canada nationwide to pay for expenses such as but not limited to financing the purchase of new institutions to permit the expansion of the Apostolate of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada. Donations to this fund also help pay for the handling of various immigration, legal and District-wide administrative matters, in addition to supporting the District Superior's travel and administration costs.
The use of these funds is left to the discretion of the District Superior.";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_priory2.png";
case 4:
strFrm = "5b03dd0d-52e2-431b-8974-55c4a82af9ca";
strDesc = "By making a donation to this fund you would be supporting the costs of sending and training Canadian Seminarians who are studying for the Priesthood in a Seminary of the Society of St. Pius X or you would be supporting Canadian Novices who have joined the Brothers or Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X or a Religious Congregation associated with the Society of St. Pius X.
The Society of St. Pius X was founded on the Feast of All Saints on November 1st, 1970 by His Excellency, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre of happy memory.
The primary goal of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X is the formation and sanctification of good priests, for, the Church cannot be renewed without holy priests.
Therefore the Society of St. Pius X has erected seminaries to train these priests traditionally in the way the Church, in her wisdom, has always formed her priests.";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/vocation1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/vocation2.png";
arrPicLnk[2] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/vocation3.png";
case 5:
strFrm = "205b7a13-4ac5-4f9b-b490-09c2881be59a";
strDesc = "The St. Joseph Bursary Fund
The sole purpose of the St. Joseph's Bursary Fund is to provide financial assistance to Canadian parents, or parents residing in Canada, who wish to send their children to Traditional schools, but cannot afford to pay all the tuition or boarding fees.
In order to achieve this goal, the St. Joseph's Bursary must first raise funds by organizing, for example, special collections in our chapels, or other forms of fund-raising campaigns.
Helping St. Joseph's Scholarships through donations is not only an act of charity to individual families, but even more so to the common good of our traditional schools and all families of the Tradition.
The donations we receive thus allow the survival of our traditional schools which, as everyone knows, do not receive any government subsidies for the most part, and which cannot survive without the generosity of many benefactors.";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_bursary1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_bursary2.png";
arrPicLnk[2] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_bursary3.png";
case 6:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
strDesc = "Donations towards the Missions greatly assist the Apostolate in the Missions. Missions are apostolates founded in foreign countries to bring the Catholic Faith to the faithful of these distant lands. These Missions need financial assistance to survive and to provide for their priests, religious and apostolates.
The choice of Missions to which the funds are disbursed is left to the discretion of the District Superior."
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/foreign1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/foreign2.png";
arrPicLnk[2] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/foreign3.png";
case 7:
strFrm = "48b4ba3a-99a2-4571-91d4-1bf8eadd5d10";
strDesc = "This school is set to open in September 2023. Over $50,000 has already been spent in renovating the building to get it ready to be a school. There are still well over $30,000 in renovations to be done. Help pay for the school by donating to this fund."
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_school1.png";
arrPicLnk[1] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._joseph_school2.png";
document.getElementById("donationfrmdh").innerHTML = "";
case "donationsj":
arrType[1] = "sj";
switch (intNum) {
case 1: strFrm = "77142de1-311e-42c5-8519-2b0576eece2e";
strDesc = "Sunday Collection for St. Joseph's Church in Montréal.
This fund offsets the costs of operating the Church and sending Priests from St-Césaire to offer the Sacraments.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/montreal_saint-joseph1.png";
case 2:
strFrm = "b9949c2e-da27-47f3-852b-3ae5429e172e";
strDesc = "This fund supports St. Joseph's Church and the costs associated with the upkeep of this building. We must stay on top of renovations and maintenance to ensure that we are good stewards properly caring for the church in the most cost-effective ways.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/montreal_saint-joseph1.png";
case 3:
strFrm = "9936a86a-83c8-476e-b9de-3985a0abe481";
strDesc = "Sunday Collection for St. Jeanne d'Arc Church in Sherbrooke, QC.
This fund offsets the costs of operating the Church and sending Priests from St-Césaire to offer the Sacraments.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/sherbrooke_church1.png";
case 4:
strFrm = "412b865c-d97a-4a31-917a-45f091d186af";
strDesc = "This fund supports St. Jeanne d'Arc Church and the costs associated with the upkeep of this building. &bnsp;We must stay on top of renovations and maintenance to ensure that we are good stewards properly caring for the church in the most cost-effective ways.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/sherbrooke_church1.png";
case 5:
strFrm = "eacd80b9-e568-4e53-b64b-17036a252c45";
strDesc = "This fund helps to pay for the costs associated with sending Priests of the Society of St. Pius X to provide the sacraments to Traditional Catholics in the Maritime Provinces. This includes travel expenses, rental costs, sacristy supplies and all the other associated expenses.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/maritimes1.png";
case 6:
strFrm = 75706;
arrType[0] = "ch";
strDesc = "Sunday Collection for St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Brinston, ON.
This fund offsets the costs of operating the Church and sending Priests from St-Césaire to offer the Sacraments.
For information on Mass times, please go HERE";
arrPicLnk[0] = "/sites/sspx/files/media/st._thomas_more_catholic_church_brinston_ontario.png";
document.getElementById("donationfrmsj").innerHTML = "";
case "donationpp":
arrType[0] = "pp";
arrType[1] = "pp";
switch (intNum) {
case 1:
strFrm = "37UX9Q82WJK3N";
case 2:
strFrm = "c3861e5a-fe76-4c4d-b576-f400ecda071a";
case 3:
strFrm = "8189a18e-98ff-404e-9ff5-6dcc7935415b";
case 4:
strFrm = "KFNL56UGE9WGE";
case 5:
strFrm = "VR86KJCPQ77J8";
case 6:
strFrm = "97SAH3579QEGU";
case 7:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
case 8:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
case 9:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
case 10:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
case 11:
strFrm = "5ea51766-1993-4018-a70c-5bd7fe0f2651";
strPref = "" + myradio.nextElementSibling.textContent + "";
strPref += "
" + strDesc + "
strPref += "Begin Now";
switch (arrType[0]) {
case "pp":
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document.getElementById("donationfrm" + arrType[1]).innerHTML = strPref;
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document.getElementById("donationfrm" + arrType[1]).previousElementSibling.lastChild.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.scrollIntoView({behavior:'smooth', inline:'start'});
function showSlides() {
var t = 5000;
if (document.getElementById("donationfrmdh").innerHTML != "") {
if (intcnt >= arrPicLnk.length) { intcnt = 0; }
document.getElementById("donationimg").src = arrPicLnk[intcnt];
setTimeout(showSlides, t);
function showzeffy() {
var arg = showzeffy.arguments, strFrm;
document.getElementById("donationfrm" + arg[1] + "").children[2].style.display = "none";
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case "zfy":
strFrm = "";
case "ch":
strFrm = "";
case "pp":
document.getElementById("donationfrm" + arg[1] + "").innerHTML += strFrm;
Please support St. Joseph Centre!
We really need your help!
Donate Now
District House
St. Joseph Centre is the District House of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada.
St. Joseph Center in Saint-Césaire is home to the District Superior of Canada who lives in community with four priests who assist him. It is also the home of four of our dear Oblate Sisters who assist the priests and apostolate of the District House.
Priory of priests who serve other churches
The Priory takes care of these priests, sisters and others who depend on the House. The Priory provides for the spiritual needs of the Apostolate in St. Cesaire, Montreal, Sherbrooke, Brinston and currently makes a monthly trip to the Maritime provinces.
Administrative Center
Various apostolates and national works are managed from the District House, which is the administrative center of the District of Canada.
Ignatian Retreat House
St. Joseph Centre is also a year-round Retreat Centre where Ignatian Retreats are preached in English and French by the Priests.
Historical and heritage building
St. Joseph Centre is an historic building that needs your help to remain beautiful and to continue the Apostolate of the Society of Saint Pius X in Canada.
Primary School
St. Joseph Center has received approval from the ministry to open an elementary school. The opening date will be either the beginning of January 2023 or September 2023 God willing.
Simply select the fund you would like to donate towards from the drop-down menu.
(Zeffy is free and does not automatically charge transaction fees. Tax receipts are issued immediately for each donation made to the below noted funds.)
STEP 1: You can donate to St. Joseph Centre and the nationwide initiatives run from the District House by choosing the drop down below
St-Césaire - St. Joseph Centre Donation
Churches / Chapels Serviced By St. Césaire Donation
STEP 2: To donate to St. Joseph Centre, please CHOOSE ONE OF THE LINKS BELOW:
St. Joseph Center - Priory Operating Expenses
St. Joseph Centre - Renovations and Maintenance
St. Joseph Centre District House - General - District of Canada
Saint Joseph's Bursary
Foreign Missions
St. Joseph School - Renovations and Maintenance
STEP 2: To donate to individual Apostolates serviced by Saint Joseph Center, the Priory at St-Césaire, please CHOOSE ONE OF THE LINKS BELOW:
Montréal - Chapelle Saint-Joseph - Donation
Montréal - Chapelle Saint-Joseph - Renovations & Maintenance
Sherbrooke - Église Sainte Jeanne d’Arc - Donation
Sherbrooke – Église Sainte Jeanne d’Arc – Renovations & Maintenance
Maritimes - Donation
Brinston (Ottawa) - St. Thomas More Church - Donation (via CanadaHelps)
You can also donate to St. Joseph Centre by cheque:*
To make a donation for the needs of the District House, you can send us a cheque made out to the "Society of St Pius X" and mailed to:
St. Joseph Centre
1395 rue Notre-Dame
St-Césaire, QC, J0L 1T0
In the case of an interac transfer, please send the donation to the accounting department using the following email address: [email protected]. Then send them the answer to the security question in a separate email.
* Transaction receipts acknowledge your payment has been received; they cannot be used for tax purposes. Official donation receipts specifically state they can be used for income tax purposes; they are issued once per year between January and February for the preceding year unless otherwise noted (ex. official donation receipts are issued for each donation made through the Zeffy platform at the time of the transaction.)