St. Patrick's Celebrations 2023
Catholic Education needs your support
We are now launching our annual Grand Prize Draw fundraiser in support of the costs of running our facility. The grand prize will be $2,000 cash with a second prize of $500 cash. Tickets will cost $5 each and only 5,000 will be printed. The draw will take place at OLMCA (for St. Patrick’s Day celebration), Saturday, March18th, 2023.
"As you know, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy is a real work of Providence; surviving and making ends meet through the generosity of the parents, teachers and benefactors. I urge each family to take very seriously the duty to fundraise for the development of the great work of Catholic education."
Father Marcel Stannus
To register for the dinner, please use the following link.

The winners are Michelle Piccione (ticket n°870) and Stephan Tan (ticket n°4611)