Operation Phoenix 2022

Invest your time and your talents in good Catholic Schools!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy is calling all generous men to help in our second annual work week from July 4th to 9th 2022. Join fellow Catholics and help to maintain the pristine nature of Catholic education by tackling the maintenance and renovation projects our school building needs dearly!

Benefits for participating:

  • A treasure of merits for aiding the work of Catholic education
  • A tuition credit (if you have children enrolled) or a tax receipt for your time.
  • Daily Mass
  • Breakfast, lunch and refreshments provided daily
  • Working with fellow Catholics and with the priests.

Meals, accommodations, and travel arrangements will be provided on request.

To participate, please contact Fr. Marcel Stannus at [email protected]

If you are unable to come but wish to help all the same, please:

  • Pray for the success of this project
  • Spread the word to your friends.
  • Consider contributing financially. Tax receipts are available for all donors. You can make a donation using the following link.

Thank you and see you on July 4th!

God bless you and all our benefactors,

Father Marcel Stannus