Watch the Sunday in Albis Mass (Quasimodo) from Saint-Césaire - at 9:30 am ET

Sunday in Albis Sung Mass (Quasimodo) - Saint-Césaire - 09: 30 am
Follow the Sunday in Albis Mass live from Saint-Césaire, Sunday, April 19, 2020 at 9:30 am ET.
This Sunday is called Quasimodo (from the first words of the Introït) or in Albis, because the neophytes have just put off their white clothes, or Easter closed, because it is on this day that the Easter Octave ends.
In order to teach those who have just been born by baptism into the life of God (Intr.) with what generosity they must bear witness to Jesus, the Church leads them to the Basilica of St. Pancras martyr, who at the age of 12 gave witness to Christ in blood. This is how the baptized must face the pinprick persecution of which they are continually the victims. They must resist, relying on faith in the risen Jesus, the Son of God. It is this faith, says St. John, that makes us overcome the world, because it makes us reject all his attempts to bring us down (Eph.). It is therefore important that this faith has a solid foundation. And the Church gives it to us in today's Mass.
This faith, says S. John in the Epistle, has as its foundation the testimony of the Father who, at the baptism of Christ (water), proclaimed him his Son, of the Son who on the cross (blood) showed himself to be the Son of God, and of the Holy Spirit who, by descending upon the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, as Jesus had promised, confirmed what the Saviour had said of his resurrection and divinity, dogmas which the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, never ceases to proclaim. This faith is also based on the testimony of the Angels who announced Jesus' resurrection (Offert.), and it is based above all on Jesus' apparitions to the Apostles. Therefore, the Gospel shows us how Christ, who appears twice in the Upper Room, brings down Thomas' unbelief and praises those who, without having seen him, believe in him.
Let us believe in the risen Jesus and let us repeat in the presence of the divine Eucharist, where he is, the cry of faith and humility of St. Thomas: "My Lord and my God! ». By our unshakeable faith and irreproachable conduct let us bear witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ before the incredulous and ungodly world.