Southern Ontario Monthly Bulletin for November 2019
District of Canada

Southern Ontario Monthly Bulletin for November 2019.
Served by the priests from St. Michael’s Priory & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy.
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Special guests for the Month of November:
- Fr. Gomis, from SSPX Argentina, will visit Southern Ontario to give Presentations of the SSPX Apostolate in South America and to meet with our Spanish speaking faithful from Toronto on the weekend of November 15-17. Fr. Gomis will also visit New Hamburg and Orillia. A collection will be taken in each chapel, after the talk given by Fr. Gomis, to help the SSPX South America missions.
- Fr. Stehlin, from SSPX Poland, will visit Toronto to give a mission to our Polish faithful, and to talk about the MI (Militia Immaculata), Friday Nov. 22 till Sunday Nov. 24.
Church of the Transfiguration, Toronto:
- All Saints Day party, Sunday November 3
- Vespers and Benediction, Sunday November 3
- Adult catechism, Sunday November 3
- Patrician Meeting, Saturday November 9
- Youth group, Sunday November 10, in the afternoon
- Home Schoolers Day, Thursday November 21
- Altar Boys practice, Saturday November 16
- All Day of Adoration, for the intentions of the SSPX superior general, Thursday November 14
- Confessions on Saturday 2-3 pm and on request before Mass
- Rosary before the Bl. Sacrament Wednesdays 7:00pm
- Legion of Mary meetings: Tuesdays 7:00pm
- 2nd collection for St. Joseph Bursary, 2nd Sunday of the Month
- 2nd collection for Building Fund for a new church, 4th Sunday of the Month, November 24. Write “Building Fund” on the envelopes.
Holy Face of Jesus Church – St. Catharines:
- Confessions usually one hour before Mass o 1st Friday & Saturday devotions
- Children catechism, TBA
- Every Tuesday, from 7 to 8pm, Holy Hour devotion to the Holy Face
Church of the Canadian Martyrs, Orillia:
- Confessions usually one hour before Mass
- Catechism after Mass, Sunday November 10 o Home Schoolers Day, Monday November 11
St. Peter’s Church, New Hamburg:
- For more information, see the monthly bulletin from St. Peter’s
Eucharistic Crusaders Intention for November:
- for the dying and the souls in Purgatory.