OLMCA Joins the March For Life

Every year, thousands participate in the March For Life to stand together as a public body against abortion in Canada. This year, District Superior, Fr. Daniel Couture, asked all those who were able to travel to attend the annual march. Along with the attendees from the Southern Ontario parishes and the surrounding parishes of Ottawa, the students of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy led the group with the honour of carrying the pilgrim statue of Our Lady.
Beginning at Parliament Hill, the procession was immediately halted by a human blockade formed by protestors. As a result, it rerouted our walk, but only to our advantage because it allowed us to say a few extra prayers. During our walk, our rosaries were led by Fr. Soos, Fr. Potvin, Fr. Boulet, and Br. Albert. Many people who surrounded our group also joined in the prayers, and a few of them would even approach the statue of Our Lady in adoration.
At the end of our walk, we were reminded that the fight against the sin of abortion is not over, clearly shown by the protestors at the march. We must fervently pray and ask that Our Lady end the killing of millions of unborn children and that she open the eyes of those that do not see it.
See our photos from the event!