OLMCA Faces the Parishioners in an Exciting Soccer Match!

The OLMCA students vs St. Peter's Parishioners soccer game on Sunday, June 10, 2018
On a very cool Sunday afternoon, the boys from OLMCA played a soccer game against the parishIoners of St. Peter at Our Lady of Mount Carmel's field. Although only a couple of parishioners gathered to play, many of the students stepped up to take some spots and play for St. Peter's team. The game came to a very close 3-4 with the OLMCA students winning by an extra point scored by Mr. Plass on his own net! The game was filled with thrills, excitement, and hilarity when Fr. Sherry, as the referee, gave a yellow card to a player who blasted the ball far over the neighbouring yard.
Congratulations to OLMCA's students! Let's see if the parishioners can even the playing field next year.