New Church Purchased!

Thanks be to God, Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Joseph, our offer for the Lutheran Church on Huron St., New Hamburg has been accepted! This is wonderful news for our congregation. At last, we will have a church sufficiently large to accommodate all the faithful. More importantly, it will be a throne for the King of the universe who will dwell there really and substantially in the tabernacle. We will all try to beautify it and make it a true house of God. It will be especially beautiful by the fervour of the prayers we offer there and the purity of the hearts that we bring to Holy Communion. Also, we will have a large hall with kitchen facilities, many small classrooms and a house to lodge our Sisters. Deo gratias!
As Fr. Sherry continues to concentrate to focus on the Boarding facility building project, Fr. Gerrity will be co-ordinating the plans for moving in under his supervision. In due course, he will communicate regarding necessary work. We will take possession God willing on the feast of St. Paul, June 30th. There will be some weeks of work before we move in – notably the removal of asbestos and the catholicisation of the Sanctuary area. Fairly soon also, we will need to do work on the roof. We envisage that we will, God willing, have a blessing of the new church by the District Superior at the Assumption festival.
The financial responsibility that we have undertaken is a grave one. Let us continue to pray for St. Joseph who is so good to us. Your donations towards this project can be made by clicking on the donate link. Specify that it is for the "newly purchased church." Thank you.