Lenten alms for Saint-Joseph's Bursary

Please, help us!
Donate to Saint-Joseph's Bursary
Help our children!
Help our schools!
The sole purpose of the St. Joseph's Bursary is to provide financial assistance to Canadian parents, or parents residing in Canada, who wish to send their children to Traditional schools, but cannot afford to pay all the tuition or boarding fees.
In order to achieve this goal, the St. Joseph's Bursary must first raise funds by organizing, for example, special collections in our chapels, or other forms of fund-raising campaigns.
Helping St. Joseph's Scholarships through donations is not only an act of charity to individual families, but even more so to the common good of our traditional schools and all families of the Tradition.
The donations we receive thus allow the survival of our traditional schools which, as everyone knows, do not receive any government subsidies for the most part, and which cannot survive without the generosity of many benefactors.