Grand Opening & Blessing of New Boarding Facility

On October 27, 2018, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy celebrated the completion and blessing of its building project!
After a 3 year delay in building the new dormitory, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy, family and friends were able to witness the grand opening of the completed project. As part of our guests, we had welcomed many of those that helped physically construct the building; as well as, our local Mayor, Les Armstrong; Kitchener-Waterloo's MP, Harold Albrecht; and his wife, Darlene McLean. We were honoured to have District Superior of Canada, Fr. Couture, to bless the building. As he processed throughout the building, blessing each floor and each room, guests remained on the bottom floor singing "Asperges Me". Once the procession returned to the bottom floor, everyone ended the blessing with "Salve Regina" and "Sub Tuum Praesidium". The ceremony continued with Fr. Sherry giving a short summary of the hurdles and events that lead up to the completion of the building project. The microphone was passed to the school's captain, Scott Hetrick, who highlighted the importance of education and its importance for developing a true Catholic. Fr. Couture ended the talks and ceremony by adding that this new building will allow for greater growth in true Catholic education. Afterwards, Harold Albrecht presented Fr. Sherry with a congratulatory certificate stating the school's commitment to educating children in the Faith.
The event continued with plenty of snacks and tours given to many of our guests. The exciting event came to a close with Vespers in OLMCA's chapel for all guests and boarders.