Fr. Karol Stehlin visit in Toronto: The Immaculata - Our Final Hope!
District of Canada

The Immaculata - Our Final Hope!
- The Role of Mary in our Spiritual Life
- We can only love God and our neighbors with Mary at our side
- Mary - The Last Salvation for the Church
- Mary - The Last Salvation for the Families, Nations and the World
Friday, November 22
- 7:00 pm Holy Mass,
- 8:00 pm 1st Conference, in Polish
Saturday, November 23
- 9:00-10:15 am Confessions in Polish
- 10:30 am 2nd Conference in Polish
- 11:00 am Holy Mass
After Mass: potluck - 1:00 pm Conference on the Militia Immaculatae, in English
Sunday, November 24
- 10:30 High Mass celebrated by Fr. Stehlin with sermon in English
- 4:30-5:00 pm Confessions in Polish
(Rosary in Polish in the meantime) - 5:00 pm Holy Mass
(sermon in Polish, Polish hymns sang a'capella, Polish altar servers from our parish) - 7:00 pm Last Conference, in Polish Farewell to Fr. Stehlin
Society of Saint Pius X
Church of the Transfiguration, 11 Aldgate Ave, Etobicoke, ON, M8Y 3L4