Mainstay of Families

The Foster Father of Our Lord
St. Thomas Aquinas asks in his treatise on the Blessed Virgin Mary whether it was fitting for Our Lord to be born of a wedded virgin - in other words, whether it was right for the Mother of God to be married to St. Joseph.
Of course, the response is positive. Saint Thomas affirms that it was fitting for the Blessed Virgin Mary to be wedded to St. Joseph, even though both of them promised perpetual chastity within their marriage, for the sake of Our Lord, for the sake of the Blessed Virgin, and for our sake.
To sum things up, God wished St. Joseph to be the foster father of Our Lord to protect his good name, to establish his genealogy
in the tribe of Juda, to protect his life and to provide for him.
Giving this virtuous husband to the Blessed Virgin avoided scandal of those who would not have understood the mystery of the virginal conception of Christ by His Blessed Mother, and avoid ed Mary incurring an unmerited punishment, while protecting her good name and giving her a provider.
God’s plan for the Holy Fami ly also strengthened our Faith in Mary’s purity and perpetual virginity, affirmed the necessity and beauty of virtuous living, gave us an image of the Church, the virginal Bride of Christ, and honoured both the vocations of consecrated virginity and of marriage.
Catholic Fatherhood
These reflections on the role of St. Joseph in the Holy Family shine some light on the role of the father in the Catholic family, last line of defence against the onslaught of Satan against the Church, against society and against souls.
Authority itself is under attack because it comes from God and is given to lead souls to their last end Who is God. This principle is attacked when the rightful inclination of men to take responsibility and leadership of the family is undermined under the claims of “patriarchal tyranny.” It is under fire when the virtues of manhood are undermined by promoting an effeminate culture and lifestyle. It is undermined when leaders use their positions as a cloak for cowardice, greed, and malice.
This atmosphere is one deliberately orchestrated to destroy our Faith in God as a loving Father and our ability to love and serve Him through Faith, Hope, and Charity.
Fatherhood is to cooperate with God
As we know from our preparation for the sacrament of marriage, the purpose of marriage is to put God’s will into practice by cooperating with God. Marriage is first of all a sacred contract, which is also a vocation, and therefore a means of perfection.
A mother and father cooperate with God by forming the body for a new human being, of whom God creates the spiritual soul, in order to bring new life into this world and to populate heaven with saints. God wishes every child to be born into the stability of a Catholic home, with a moth er and father who are committed to each other for life and who are therefore able to provide for the material, physical needs of their children, to provide them also with the education that will give them the means of living a good life and attaining heaven. This education is not simply teaching one to read, write, add and subtract, but also the formation to virtue and nobility.
Fathers provide for the family. A great deal of time, effort and self-sacrifice is required for a father to provide for the material needs of his family. Earning the weekly pay check is a serious responsibility, often a subject of concern, worry and stress. More than that, the current evil forces in play seem hell-bent on making it more and more difficult for a single income family to be able to provide for even the minimum.
A Catholic father also provides a home with the atmosphere of Faith, Hope and Charity that is the environment were virtue, self-sacrifice, and future vocations are fostered. This is through his own practice of the virtues evident in the life of St. Joseph of prudence, justice, fidelity and chastity.
Fathers protect the family. St. Joseph protected the good name of Our Lord and Our Lady from calumny and scandal. He even protected them against the attacks of the devil by hiding from the evil one the mystery of the Incarnation.
Catholic fathers must also protect the family confided to them by keeping the enemies of the soul at bay: bad books, magazines, movies, and literature; bad companions and bad conversations; the spirit of indifferentism which inclines us to say that religion doesn’t matter as long as you are generally a good guy.
They keep these evil influences at bay by carefully protecting the home from the spirit of the world channeled through movies, cartoons and the internet. A father’s role is capital in taking educating children to generosity, self-sacrifice and virtue from the earliest age, not least of all by his example, but also by taking the time to explain, again and again, the principles of Catholic life.
Today, instruction in matters of purity and the facts of life are necessary earlier than ever. An ounce of prevention outweighs a pound of remedy in these matters.
Fathers also protect the good atmosphere of the home by
addressing and resolving the
problems that can arise within the family - disobedience, misunderstanding, lying, dishonesty. It is always easier in the short term to ignore or avoid facing these faults. Discretion, courage and perseverance are required to address these things for the good of the entire family.
St. Joseph, the Mainstay of Families, Pray for Us!
“A Catholic father also provides a home with the atmosphere of Faith, Hope, and Charity that is the environment were virtue, self-sacrifice, and future vocations are fostered.”