Food for Sin

Internet and smartphones have burst into our daily lives and present a major danger to our spiritual life. In this article, we would like to approach this issue with an unusual angle of attack in order to bring a sincere and maybe broader reflection.
These few lines tend to show that these new means of com munication favour and feed the seven capital vices if they are not kept in their place of means in relation to a very precise purpose.
Firstly we must ask ourselves what the purpose of the internet is, before studying the capital sins and how uncontrolled internet can feed them. After the diagnosis, we can give some guidelines for an effective treat ment.
The purpose of internet and social networks
Communication is the goal of the internet. Through a connection, different elements may be shared all around the world, from a knowledge to a alleged friendship. It is basically a plat form for sharing information and data.
As for social media, it is often misused and becomes antisocial media, yet it still remains a means of communication.
Now considering the moral level, the platform in itself is not good or bad, it is a physical means allowing a communi cation, a sharing. The moral problem occurs on the content and on the actual use of this platform. If Julius has a gun allowing him to shoot, out of itself the gun is not evil. But if he then uses it to shoot on his neighbour who is too noisy or to shoot for such a long time that he misses the family rosary every day, the moral question arises from what is in itself indifferent.
Listening to a Cantata of Bach, admiring the paintings of Fra Angelico in HD, accessing the Archives of the National Library, keeping contact with family members on the other side of the world, listening to sermons,...the internet does have a purpose and can foster virtue as well. Our principle in this matter is the one Saint Ignatius gives us at the begin ning of his Spiritual Exercises: “All things on the face of the earth are created for man, to help him in attaining the end for which he is created. Hence man should use them in as far as they help him in his attain ment of his end, and he must rid himself of them in as far as they prove and hindrance to him.”
The capital sins and how they are encouraged by the internet
The Angelic Doctor approaches this topic on the occasion of the question 84 (article 4) of the Prima Secundae of his indisput able “Summa Theologica”. In this article he shows that the capital sins are chiefly roots “giving rise” to many sins. If we take an arboricultural analogy, we could say that the three con cupiscences spoken of by St. John (1 John 2:16) are the trunk of pride which support every sin - that is, in every act of turning away from God for the sake of the creature - and develops into seven branches (the capital sins) which bear those deleterious fruits which we call sins.
The capital sins can be categor ized according to the different reasons that can move man’s appetite. The different appe tites, whether in the upper part of the soul or in the irascible or concupiscible, all tend towards the pursuit of good, whether by removing an obstacle or even tending towards it... All sin will consist in the use of these different appetites or tensions of the soul for goods or apparent goods that divert us from the only end that can fulfill man and form his beatitude: God himself.
Vain glory - disordered desire for excellence conferred by praise and honor - is excited by social platforms such as Facebook, Instragram, TikTok,...that easily allow the fabrication of a showcase personnality. The truth is no longer shared but only what could make me loved but that I am not.
Gluttony - can be the occasion to talk about the hours spent on watching cooking programs. But by analogy the food of our intelligence - knowledge - may be wasted by an overindulgence in things like the latest fashions, news, or just our insatiable curiosity.
Lust - is certainly one of the more dangerous and wide spread sin encouraged by the platform of sharing that is the internet, from social media to the websites. There is probably no need for an explanation, from the ridiculous Snapchat to the lustful Tinder.
Avarice - this disordered appetite for wealth also find a danger in uncontrolled internet as everything is a click and a credit card away. Amazon and all the other online shops are trying to have you think you need their products to be saint today...
Envy - is encouraged by the halo of false glory that surround the latest Instragram stories or posts on Facebook, while Anger is spead out in 280 characters on a tweet.
And on the top of it all, the lazy modern man will spend hours in the front of diabolic Netflix or watching YouTube videos.
Acedia - is this sloth of the soul fearing any effort to obtain spiritual goods for the soul. Our times do not need couch potatoes but the kind of heroes we call saints!
Practical advice by way of conclusion...that the internet and social networks remain means and do not feed the capital vices.
Before you use internet or social media, we should ask our selves first: “What am I using it for? How long will I be on it?” In such a way it won’t become an end but stay a means for a specific purpose. It is good to instil this habit in the children and teens as well, expecting them to ask before they use the internet and stay open about what they are doing.
Do not allow the internet and social media to feed capital sins but rather starve them to protect your spiritual life!
Principles of prudence in the use of internet
The internet remain a means Every time I use it, I know why and how.
Internet use (computer or cell phone) is to be one only in an open and public space where anyone can see the screen at all times.
No smartphone is to be given to a child who does not need it or is under 17. When he is over 17 and absolutely needs one, a filter is installed and openess encouraged. Certain programs or websites will always be dangers and Catholics can not be on them.
Some others can be used with prudence.
Netflix, TikTok, Tinder,...are applications no Catholic has.
Snapchat, Facebook,...should be avoided.