Camp 2023

A memorable Catholic adventure
In 2023 also, our adventures in Huronia on the side of the Canadian Martyrs continue! Register now!
The 2023 Canadian Martyrs' Camp will take place at the iconic Camp Attawandaron for our overnight camp, benefitting from the scenic location, access to the cabins, chapel, facilities, canoeing, and proximity to Pinery Park and Lake Huron.
Come spend an unforgettable week this July with other Catholic boys and girls aged 8-13 and enjoy:
- Daily Mass
- Daily Catechism
- Team Activities and Competition
- Arts and Crafts
- Hikes, Campfires and Singing
- Lots more!
The Boys’ Camp will begin on Sunday, July 9th at 3 pm until the following Saturday July 15 after Holy Mass and lunch. The Girls’ Camp will begin on Saturday, July 15 with Holy Mass in the morning and conclude on Friday, July 21 at noon.
Sign up now and we will send you the required documents.
For more information, contact Fr. Rion: [email protected]
See you at the Canadian Martyrs Camp!
Father Michel Rion
Chaplain of the Huronia Mission