Autonomous house of Central America – Caribbean
- Superior: Fr. Ezequiel Maria Rubio
- 3 priories
- 25 chapels
- 2 schools
- Visit the website
In the organizational structure of the Society of St. Pius X, an autonomous house is a district in formation.
The superior of an autonomous house has the same essential role than a district superior. Appointed by the General Superior and his council for a renewable six-year term, he is entrusted with the direction of the apostolate in his territory, according to the Statutes and spirit of the Society. Whenever Divine Providence allows it, he organizes the foundation of more priories as the needs and circumstances of the apostolate suggest.
When three priories have been founded in the territory of an autonomous house, a district may be established. In some cases, the circumstances of the apostolate may suggest that a long-standing autonomous house is integrated into a larger adjacent district, or that a new district is formed by joining contiguous autonomous houses.