To encourage healthy competition, projects are arranged to excite the interest of the children. The Science Fair is a special highlight.
Science Fair
The students choose an area of interest to them and carry out an investigation individually or in pairs. Both a visual and verbal presentation is given to the judges as well as to the parishioners. One year a special rocket launching competion was held.
Art Fair
This event seeks to unveil the artist in all of us, whichever mask it may be wearing. Many genres are open to the students such as sketching, painting, crafts, board games, and cake decorating. Knowledge acquired in school is put into practice with art forms like advertising.
Drama Presentations
Past presentations include: Shakespeare`s A Comedy of Errors, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Henry IV, The Taming of the Shrew, Agatha Christie`s The Mousetrap, and T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral, and an original play Modernism.
Talent Quest
A chance for our children to shine with their special abilities with musical instruments, song, poetry reading and drama. The progress of those taking lessons in voice or instrament is noted and praised year after year, and the audience is always treated with the presentation of some unforeseen skill.
Spelling Bee
An annual event with four levels - from grade two to high school. A high-suspense competetion promoting the "virtue" of good spelling!